Inside You

In this weeks portion Aaron is told to light up the flame. In our own hearts 💕 we can do the same

Inside you, a voice you will find,
That urges you to do something kind
Know that it’s your Gdly spark 🌟
Wanting to shine up the dark

Inside you, this voice wants to say
For my people, let me pray 🙌🏻
It’s a powerful force of light
A real tool of strength and might 💪🏻

This same voice wants to look after you
And tells you to focus on what you do 👁️
Be fully present and aware
Listen to your own self-care

Tune in and feel the voice of calm 😌
It’s your Gdly wisdom protecting you from harm
No need to fear or be rushing around
Peace and tranquility within can be found

In these days of extra dark
Nuture this Holy spark
It is a powerful flame, extremely bright 🔥
That lights up the world and the darknest night