Gd asked Moshe to speak to the rock
Deep within, the water was locked
But he hit that stone and water flowed 💦
“You can’t enter Israel,” he was told
Though the physical seems so real
Our hard facade, may be tough as steel
There’s a vibrant reservoir we can feel 💓
If outer layers we are willing to peel
The key 🗝️?
Is Empathy
Don’t beat yourself up
“I’m not good enough”
Or get stuck, in your old negative veneer
That may be full of worries and fear 😧
Explore deeply and find your light
It has strength to shine the night ☄️
In times of darkness and doom
Let it surface, make some room
No need to hit and force it out
Rather be curious and see what it’s about?
Unlock this flow with care and love 💗
It’s your special gift from the One Above
Gently coax those talents and gifts
Share those tools, give others a lift
Discover where your deep waters flow
Find that hidden reservoir you didn’t even know 😉