Counting the Omer: A Time for Growth

Spring has sprung in Brighton and Hove, and along with the beautiful blooms comes a unique Jewish tradition: Counting the Omer. For 49 days, from the second night of Passover until Shavuot, we embark on a special journey of self-reflection and spiritual development.

Here at Chabad Brighton, we’re excited to share the beauty and meaning of this tradition with our wonderful community!

What is the Omer?

Known as Sefirat HaOmer (“Counting of the Omer”) as it begins on the day when an omer measure of barley was offered in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

The omer is actually a biblical-era measurement (equivalent to approximately 43 oz.). On the second day of Passover, the 16th of Nisan, in addition to the regular holiday offering, a lamb was offered together with an omer of barley taken from the first harvest of the land of Israel.

The Torah instructs us to count the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot (which translates to “weeks” in Hebrew). Each night, we recite a blessing and count the number of days that have passed. Think of it as a countdown to a special celebration!

Why do we count?

There are two main reasons:

  • Excitement for Shavuot: Just like Brighton beach fills with anticipation before a big summer event, counting the Omer builds excitement for receiving the Torah at Shavuot. It’s a time to reconnect with the teachings that guide our lives.
  • Spiritual Growth: The 49 days represent a period of transformation. According to tradition, the Israelites leaving Egypt needed to refine themselves before receiving the Torah. We use this time to examine our own actions and strive to become better people.

A Journey by the Beach: Daily Refinement

Imagine yourself walking along the Brighton seafront, taking in the fresh air and the vastness of the ocean. Counting the Omer is like that daily walk – a chance to reflect and improve.

  • Setting Goals: Just like planning your Brighton adventures, we set personal goals for growth. Maybe it’s focusing on acts of kindness, like volunteering at a local charity. Or perhaps it’s strengthening our sense of fairness in everyday interactions.
  • Taking it Day by Day: Reaching our goals takes time, just like that perfect seashell collection. Each day of the Omer is a step forward, a chance to chip away at our negative traits and cultivate positive ones.

Join us on this journey!

Chabad Brighton is here to support you throughout the Omer. We have classes, discussions, and resources to help you make the most of this meaningful time. Let’s grow together, just like the beautiful flowers blooming across Brighton and Hove!