Yom Kippur
Chabad Brighton 15 The Upper Drive, Hove, East Sussex, United KingdomYom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, when we fast, pray, seek forgiveness from G-d and our fellows, and come closer to G-d. […]
Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, when we fast, pray, seek forgiveness from G-d and our fellows, and come closer to G-d. […]
Sukkot is a weeklong Jewish holiday that comes five days after Yom Kippur. Sukkot celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection G‑d provided for the children of Israel when they left […]
It's The Festival of Sukkos, which means it’s time for more hands-on fun and Jewish learning. The “Sukkah City” program, fun for all. The kids will be the architects for […]
Please join Rabbi Efune, and the rest of our community on Tuesday 10 October at 7.30 pm for a half hour meeting of Prayer, Mitzvot, Inspiration and to hear words from MRS. BRURIA EFUNE, resident of Beer Sheva, who will describe first hand what is happening in our beloved land.
You are invited to come together with the Jewish Community of Brighton and Hove on Friday 13 October at Ralli Hall. We will begin at 5:30pm with prayers for the […]
All women are warmly invited to join on: Monday 16th October @ Chabad House, Hove at 7.00pm Finding Inner Strength in this Time of Turmoil, Psychosomatic approaches to emotional and […]
Loaves of love for the seniors and those that are homebound in 1 for you and 1 for a fellow Jew! Yes! you can make an impact here in our community. Bake a […]
Chanukah Wonderland the name says it all! A fun afternoon for the whole family and friends. Get ready for the Festival of Chanukah with lots of interactive activities to get you into […]