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Cruel attacks on Israel

We are all shocked and horrified by the cruel attacks on Israel. We hope and pray for all those who have been hurt, killed, or kidnapped and for the safety and success of the IDF and the Israeli government.

What can we do in Brighton and Hove?

Men: On the eve of the Six-Day War in 1967, when the entire world predicted Israel’s demise, the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated the tefillin campaign, and assured us that great miracles are in store. He quoted the divine promise that in the merit of the mitzvah of tefillin, “all the nations of the world will see that the name of G-d is called upon you, and they will fear you” (Deuteronomy 28:10).

The Chabad House Brighton will be open 10.00-11.30 am and 3-5 pm every day this week, if you wish to come put on tefillin and say a prayer for Israel. Or send us an email or message Rabbi fune on 07885 538681 and someone will come to you!

Women: Light your Shabbat Candles on times to bring extra light into the world and conquer the darkness! This week candles should be lit before 5.55 pm.

Children: Sign up your child(ren) for a letter in the Children’s Sefer Torah, a project uniting millions of Jewish children worldwide to bring peace to the Holy Land. Visit

Say a Prayer: Say some psalms for the peace and security of Israel, especially psalm 20, 22 and 122.

Give Tzedaka: Donate charity in the merit of the safety and security of Israel. Especially to charities that are directly helping victims and the IDF


If anyone wishes to come in and just receive support or to be in the company of other community members, please pop into Chabad House or call Rabbi Efune on 07885 538681.